The King of the Corona Virus


In the midst of unprecedented and unparalleled times, our lives have been indelibly marked by the Corona Virus, a.k.a., COVID-19.

My life has been disrupted, right along with everyone else’s, and I’ve wanted to blog…but I think I needed a little time to process and I definitely needed a little inspiration from God.

I had bits and pieces of what I thought would be valuable to share…but not until right now did they all come together.

As I’ve reflected on our recent pandemic, here is what I’ve observed:

  • People are stepping up and stepping in, much like we see in Acts 4, 32 “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”
  • Food pantry ministries have opened and expanded
  • Friends and neighbors are sharing household staple items that can’t be found in stores
  • Churches and para-church organizations have created websites full of timely resources
  • People are sharing their musical, artistic and/or creative talents to lift the spirits of others and provide meaningful worship experiences
  • Facebook groups have formed to offer support to parents who are now homeschooling their children and trying to work from home
  • People have created hilarious Memes and videos to provide comic relief

Perhaps the most sobering, and simultaneously inspiring, are those in Spain who go out on their balconies nightly at 8:00 to literally applaud for the many healthcare professionals who are working tirelessly to do all they can.

One might think that such exemplary solidarity could never happen during a season of social distancing. But social distancing does not negate true human connection.

The connections we have with others, because of, and for the sake of, Jesus, are infinitely stronger than any virus.

Though many have been hit with waves of fear and anxiety, there is strength and peace to be found in God, our Rock, our Deliverer. “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.” Psalm 56:3.

Let’s not allow fear to rule over us–to be the boss. Bob Goff put it well when he wrote, “People who are becoming love experience the same uncertainties we all do. They just stop letting fear call the shots.”

Maybe fear hasn’t been your focus in this unprecedented season, maybe it’s been frustration at the lack of control you have right now. Oh how I can relate to this. On the positive side, whenever I feel like there is something I want to control and I can’t, I start to clean. On the negative side, I can become a bit overbearing, tightening the reins of anything and anyone around me 😦

How about you? What have you been feeling in the midst of excessive restrictions, disruptions to your day-to-day life and loss of gathering with others?

A friend and I were talking via video chat and she wisely noted that we don’t actually ever really have control on a normal day anyway. It might be perceived that we do, but ultimately and always, God retains control at all times.

His sovereignty is evident in His kingship.

There is an interesting tie between God’s kingship and the Corona Virus. You see, the word “Corona” means crown. The virus was so named  because of crown like spikes on its surface.

coronavirus phto

Image, GETTY

Envisioning this prompted me to think of two other crowns, namely the one worn by our God in heaven, and the crown of thorns worn by Jesus our Savior.

crown of thorns


Those of us living in the U.S. may not often think of God as King because of the way our government is set up. The USA is not governed by a king, but we are, and He is seated on His throne.

Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.” Is. 37:16

“Sing the praises of the Lord, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done.” Psalm 9:11

As we recognize our sovereign Lord, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, let us sing unending praises to Him.

Though we have faced, and will continue to face some rough days ahead, will you join me in praying that we can go be radiant nonetheless? I admit, I’ve had some less than radiant moments with whining, ungrateful children. But my desire, and my prayer, is to be radiant in my home and wherever I go (even if that’s significantly limited right now.).

Let me ask you this, what are some ways we can go be radiant this week? I would love your input, so please comment below and share this post with anyone you think might benefit from it.