
Hi, I’m Suzie Inglis. Welcome to my blog!

I created Go Be Radiant to share Biblical truth along with personal stories of struggles and successes for the purpose of discovering how we, as Christ-followers, can be radiant (reflecting God’s light) in our everyday lives.

Here’s a brief bio on me, followed by a glimpse into how Go Be Radiant came to be.

  • California’s beautiful Central Coast is where I had the privilege of growing up.
  • My undergraduate degree is in Psychology from Biola University.
  • I spent 9 years serving God in Costa Rica doing youth ministry, discipleship and directing a cross-cultural training program for Latinos. 
  • My Master’s degree is in Biblical and Theological Studies from Talbot School of Theology.
  • Love caused me to return to the U.S. Yes, that’s right, I came back for love. I met my prince charming, a tall, blonde-haired, green-eyed man named Juan.
  • I worked working Stateside as the Director of H.R. and Training for the same organization I served with in Costa Rica.
  • After becoming a mom, I decided to end my 9-5 job, focus on our growing family and help my husband in our family-owned business.
  • My husband and I serve at our church as small group leaders. I also serve as a deaconess, and I started and lead a women’s ministry there.

How This Blog Came To Be

Go Be Radiant is inspired by the first part of Hebrews 1:3 which reads, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word…”. I’m simply fascinated by the idea that Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory. He’s like light beaming out from light, like rays shooting forth from the sun. Can’t you just picture it?

It makes me think of another verse in the New Testament, Matthew 5:16, “…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Could it be that we, like Jesus and like the people who followed Him when He was on this earth, also are to reflect God’s glory to the world? I believe the answer is a resounding, yes! The question is, what does that look like and how do we do it? That is precisely what we are going to address in this blog.

We will talk about various aspects of our everyday lives including: our spiritual life, relationships, parenthood, work, leadership, ministry and more. If you are facing difficulties in any of these areas or you just want to be inspired, encouraged and challenged in your personal and spiritual development, this blog is for you.

I would like to invite you to join me in my quest to Go Be Radiant.