An Easter Reflection

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Several months ago, I was texting with a friend who was on her way to visit some in-laws. She was asking for prayer because her relationship with them had been challenging at times. In the course of our text, we realized that a good attitude on her part wouldn’t just magically happen. She was going to have to choose to have one.

Don’t you find that to be true for most areas in our lives? For example, a healthy spiritual life doesn’t just happen. We have to choose to create an environment that will foster it.

A wonderful marriage doesn’t just happen. We have to daily, sometimes hourly ;), choose to love our spouses.

Unchangeable circumstances may ascend on us out of nowhere and at that moment, we choose how we will handle them.

This idea of choosing isn’t about deciding what we’re going to eat or which gift we are going to purchase for someone. It’s all about our attitude and where we are going to put our energy and effort.

You may have heard For King & Country’s song, Joy. If not, take a listen to it here. The song lyrics describe a choice that needs to be made and the choice is joy.

I love the idea of choosing joy in the midst of difficult circumstances. While it isn’t easy, by any means, it has the ability to drastically change our perspective, our attitude, and how we navigate the harder seasons of our lives.

When I think of Jesus, I think about two choices He made that will forever change my life and yours.

As part of the Trinity, He could have come into this world in a very regal, majestic way. Instead, He chose to enter in the most humble of circumstances. That humble posture continued throughout His life on this earth and again became so evident when our King of Kings rode on a donkey as the masses shouted, “Hosanna!”

In Philippians 2:8, we see just how far His humility went:

“And being found in appearance as a man,
    he humbled himself
    by becoming obedient to death—
        even death on a cross!”

He chose humility and He chose death. He chose to die for my sins, and yours, that we might be washed white as snow; that we might be forgiven and have a right relationship with God; that we might have our names written in the Book of Life.

Those two choices have changed my life.

In light of the choices Jesus made for me, I cannot help but feel compelled to make choices that would honor and please Him.

James 4:4 reminds us, “…therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of this world becomes an enemy of God.” The choices we make directly impact and influence our relationship with God and those around us.

As I think about choices I want to make to honor God, this is my prayer:  May God help me to choose to love and follow Him no matter what. May I reflect His glory in my everyday life as I choose to love, choose to be joyful, and choose to share Truth with others.

As you think about Jesus’s choices to embrace humility and die on the cross, how does that effect you? Is He speaking to your heart about any choices you might need to make in your life right now? If you feel comfortable sharing, I would love to read your comments below.

Wishing you a very blessed Easter as you rejoice in our risen Savior!

Let us choose to go be radiant this week!

white petaled flower bouquet on white surface
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